Posted By : Date : Team Alisa | 07-01-2016
Check out the trailer to my latest animated film: Mosquito: Bite of Passage A mother (played by Eileen Galindo) and daughter (played by Alisa Reyes) mosquito go hunting together for the first time, and the daughter desperately tries to confess to her mother that she does not like blood. Shout Out to our amazing team and talent that were apart of this film. It was an honor working with you all.   #USCFilm #Animation @brianvrhodes #TengCheng #MichaelFink @bordasivan @eileen.galindo    
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Posted By : Date : Team Alisa | 06-22-2016
What does Manifestation mean to you? Manifestation to me means enhancing your life's purpose into a reality. Turning a thought into action and creating a world of endless possibilities. We as human being's have the world on a string though it's up to us on how we maintain that string and how to make sure that we aim it in the right direction. On a personal note I started acting at the age of 8 years old. I knew at a young age that I wanted to be a performer,…
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