As we embark on 2018 today gives us a moment to look back and reflect on the year we just journeyed through this past 2017. This past year has been a year of triumph, abundance & so much light & love. A year of new and existing strong friendships, a year of spiritual awakening and ascension, a year of laughter and joy. Along the way there were tears and loss but it’s during times like these that we must stop and smell the roses and realize that life is short so lamenting and dwelling on energies that longer serve our purpose for our highest and greatest good aren’t needed in the new year to come.
As we reflect on our lives we come to the conclusion that certain things that mattered no longer need to matter. That sweating the small stuff isn’t worth it. That that extra bit of energy one uses to get themselves all worked out needs to be re – aligned into our highest and greatest good. Don’t you feel the calling and yearning to be the YOU that you knew you could always be? That inner child inside of you is calling out for that love it deserves. Don’t ignore it. This year please allow yourself to LOVE Y-O-U! Its time to let go of any old programing and its time for your upgrades and mojo rebooting to begin. The TIME is NOW! There is no time like the present to remove and shed the old you that no longer serves you purpose and start with a brand new you that is ready for that new chapter.
That page turner a – ha moment. They say a person changes every 5- 10 years of their life meaning usually something big in ones life happens good or bad every 5 – 10 years. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 -10 years? If your content and happy right where you are more power to you but deep inside almost all of us has at least one thing that we want and need to work on. So remember out with the old and in with the new this 2018! One of my top 5 resolutions is to focus on thinking and speaking ONLY positive words and thoughts.
Whether its a thought or a kind gesture or a smile or a simple manifestation of something that is love and light related that very energy right there is the spark the world needs to enlighten a life of love which then creates joy inside and out.
Yours Truly,
Great post!