Ready to Kick into SPRING?

Ready to Kick into SPRING?

Are you ready to kick into SPRING? Granted summer is literally around the corner so pardon me for posting this blog a bit late into the season but the reason I wanted to write about the Spring Equinox is because during the Spring time is when things really change within Gaia aka Mother Earth. Which means things then really begin to change within us as a person. Since we are all one. Do you ever notice that during the Spring time is when you start to get a kick into your step?

When you start to get a boost of energy to start making those positive changes. Every year I like to create a Vision Board with my goals and dreams but for the Spring time I like to write and create a sacred mantra that is meant just for ME that I can say to myself every morning and whenever I am down or need a reminder to keep trucking on through out our journey of life.

Mantra Example:

I (state your name) attract the highest and greatest good into my life. I intend to Spring forward into my higher self …… ( this is where you would state your intentions).

A mantra doesn’t have to be some complexed thing it just needs to be from your soul and heart. From a place of love and light. I am big believer as most of you know that the law of attraction is a real thing and that we are all made of energy. Which means what we put out comes back. So its beyond vital to speak and think positive words at all times. If you can master that then you are GOLDEN.

During the Spring I love to remind myself that visualization and manifestation are key and that its beyond vital to reboot and recharge yourself from time to time. Life can be draining, people can be draining, environments can be draining, so re-programing from time to time is a healthy and positive approach and way of life.

least for me it is. The Spring time is when the flowers really blossom when the weather gets warmer when you want to start doing more out-door related activities. I love to hike anything nature related especially the beach is where I am happiest. I also fell in love with Hot Yoga. I practice Bikram Yoga a few times a week. I started last year and havent stopped. It’s been a perfect alignment for my MERKABA aka Mind, Body and Spirit.

Mediation and Prayer has also been a saving grace for me. My connection to God and my higher self is most vital to me. Once you are grounded within Faith and Hope and allow yourself to Surrender then all will fall into place. That is what PEACE is to me. We live in a world that’s chaotic at times. Where we are always in a rush with nowhere to go.

Yet we never take a moment for ourselves to be in GRATITUDE. Once we appreciate what we have then the universe will pure abundance into ones life. Life is simple. Love and be loved. Give and be able to receive. Have faith and hope that there is a greater good out there and never give up on your dreams. Stay true to you and remember who you are.

I pray that this Spring and that the rest of 2018 is filled with so much love and light for you all. May you embark on your journey of life filled with magical adventures and nonstop joy and laughter.

Remember to always love you and be sure to kick into this season with a positive and refreshing mojo boost.

Love & Light,

Your Truly,



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